Okay, this little guy now says, auntie Jamie all the time......okay mostly Jamie, but every now and then he throws auntie in front of my name. I love it, I remember waiting for this time to come. I knew it would be special. I get so excited just hearing him say my name. I met him, his mom and my parents for dinner tonight before my brothers softball game, and he said my name as soon as he saw me. Normally I get a huge smile when we see each other but now I get a huge smile and my name. It makes me melt!!!!
I thought it was time to see how handsome my nephew is getting. AND, Judah's baby sister will be arriving in December and already we cannot wait. Will she look like Judah? Will she have dark hair like the Hill side of the family? No matter what, she will be loved and as all of my friends are telling me, well dressed thanks to my Mom and I. I cannot wait to hold her, love her, teach her about Jesus, and take her for a pedicure someday. Oh yeah, and eat lots of sweets together. After we eat dinner of course!
I also included a picture of Judah with his pal London. London is one of my best friends, Jenn's little guy. It was so cool that day because London just reached his arms around Judah to give him a squeeze. Someday,I hope they become as good of friends as his mom and I.
For those of you who read the Hill's blog (joey and katie my bro and sister in law) I did use the same pictures as them, so sorry but they're just good enough pictures to see twice.